January 1, 2005 |
Frankly Speaking PR Tips
Your Passport to Innovative Communications Solutions
Published Monthly by Frank Public Relations
for Business Executives and Communications
Professionals Eager to Enhance Business Performance
and Reputation
Public Relations: "The management function that
identifies, establishes, and maintains mutually
beneficial relationships between organizations and
various publics on whom its success or failure
depends." Cutlip, Center, and Broom
January 1, 2005
The Circus Comes to PR
Yes, it is a PR circus world that drives media
attention. You can be an observer and enjoy the
show, or you can be in one of the three-rings that
dominate the circus tent, reaping all the attention.
The choice is yours!
Publicist Lee Solters, who publicized Theda Bara in
A Fool There Was, gives the best definition
publicity I have ever heard.
"When the circus comes to town and you
paint a sign
about it, that's advertising," says Lee. "Put the
sign on the back of the elephant and march through
town, that's promotion. If the elephant walks
through the mayor's flowerbed, that's publicity. And
if you can get the mayor to comment about it, that's
public relations!" Lee made that observation some
years ago when he handled Ringling Bros. Circus.
Staying with the circus theme -- PT Barnum is
considered by many to be the father of public
relations. He is credited with developing the
concept of the three-ring circus we know today.
In order to get people to attend the circus,
PT Barnum created bizarre, tantalizing, and
sometimes death-defying sideshows to bring circus
goers into the big tent.
Without the sideshows,
people were simply not sure if the circus was worth
attending. PT Barnum's staged events like the
bearded lady, the fire enhanced sword swallowed by a
"freak," etc. was all done to draw attention for the
circus to increase interest in attendance.
No kidding! It was the birth of the "PR stunt."
Thus was born the idea of creating media interest by
creating an event, or other newsworthy happening to
invite and entice media coverage.
Many times you
will notice that PR coverage is attracted through a
"staged event," though naturally occurring events
are more credible, timely, and more easily embraced
by the public.
So, when you sometimes think that the
media coverage you are witnessing looks similar to a
three-ring circus, like various criminal trials, as
the Martha Stewart coverage, you are right. The
media "circus" you witnessed actually has its
roots from the early days of the circus!
With this background in mind, what do you
do if you are in the driver's seat in your
organization and responsible for advertising,
promotion, publicity, and public relations? Do you
hire an in-house person, or a PR agency?
What are the advantages of each
The US Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook
Handbook puts it this way,
"An organization's reputation, profitability, and
even its continued existence can depend on the
degree to which its targeted publics' support its
goals and policies. Public relations is key to both
the growing economy and to key institutions. The
amount of resources dedicated to public relations
should be aligned with this significant piece of
Whether you should hire an in-house public
relations professional (I spent 23 years of my
career in-house), or a PR agency, is
strictly a business decision. Many start-up
companies have limited resources, and find it more
economical to deal with a PR agency to
manage their account. PR agencies
are very attractive in that they work in
the particular "space" or discipline of the client,
and have the ability to leverage their media
contacts with their various clients.
In-house PR counsel is strictly dedicated, devoted,
to YOU, your company and its products. Hopefully
they are part of your strategic executive management
team, and participate regularly in all meetings
involving strategy and tactics.
Sometimes, PR agency representatives are
left out of this loop - which is really not
affording the organization the full complement of
skills that today's PR pro brings to the table.
Public relations is a strategic business
tool, which should be respected by all members of
the organization. When looking for a PR
professional, in-house or agency, according to the
Council of Public Relations Firms (wwwprfirms.org),
you should look for professionals who provide the
following skills: problem solving, sociability, a
sense of urgency, tenacity, persuasiveness,
assertiveness, self-confidence, empathy,
aggressiveness and stamina.
And finally, although I am not addressing
the discipline of advertising here - what is the
difference between advertising and public relations?
Simply put: You pay for advertising versus "free"
coverage from public relations. Public relations is
considered earned media. With advertising, you
create and place exactly what you want the public to
see, where it appears, how often, the content, etc.
With public relations, though you pay for the
agency or in-house public relations professionals to
develop press releases and collateral materials, you
do not have control over when it appears, how much
of it appears, or where it appears.
On the other hand, PR has an enhanced credibility
over advertising material, and in fact, the next time
you pick up your
newspaper, read it very carefully. More than 90
percent of what you read has been generated by a
press release! This is referred to as editorial
content. Therefore, editorial content is more widely
embraced as "news" written by a non-biased reporter
versus advertising, which naturally is biased. Think
about it - is editorial content really unbiased?
Now let's go back to the circus and put all the
elements together. How does a sound, strategic
public relations campaign come into play with a
strategic marketing action plan?
Let's have a little fun and use PT Barnum again.
This is a visual response so get prepared.
Picture the circus tent on the ground (the business
plan), and picture the poles holding up the tent
(the strategic marketing campaign to give rise to
the plan). Now assign a name to each pole: marketing
promotion, advertising (on and offline), and public
relations - a sound strategic public relations
campaign is part of the total marketing campaign.
These poles are components keeping the tent up and
ready for action.
Underneath the tent are all the organization's team
players who are onboard with the strategic marketing
campaign. Through all of their efforts, whether
they are accountants, sales representatives,
customer service, etc. - the best PR is that which is
advanced by your own team of employees. A
good strategic marketing plan, with the PR
component, includes all employees. Be sure they know
the direction of the organization so that they can
serve as individual PR ambassadors.
Please do not leave out the strategic partners,
alliance members, consortium partners, vendors, and
others who are playing a vital role to advance your
organization. They, too, are excellent PR
ambassadors, not just of good will, but they can also
spread substantive value-added information, which
may help you retain current, and perhaps help you
garner new clients/customers. Never underestimate
the power of your employees. They have the ear of
least l0 people outside of your organization. They
can be champions of your organization's mission.
Work towards helping them deliver the best message
possible. Communicate regularly, communicate
effectively, and most importantly communicate
Parting words: There will always be a circus ring
filled with action and spectators eager to watch
and know more. It is up to you and your organization
to decide if you will stay a spectator or choose to
be in the center ring of attention as the result of
an inspired PR strategy and well executed tactics.
Frankly Speaking Tip Sheets
For more tips, you may want to order "Turn Around
Your Organization's Image for Almost Free in 24-
Hours." $9. Go to ww
.frankpr.com for ordering
Frankly Speaking Live
Do you want some PR help right now, without a long-
term contract and commitment? Would you like to
brainstorm a PR idea, or press release? Have you
been hit with a crisis, yet have no plan of action and
don't know what to do next?
Please check out Frankly
Speaking Live, a unique
service offered exclusively by Frank PR Worldwide.
Frankly Speaking Live is a one-of-a-kind telephone
consulting service from Frank Public Relations
Worldwide. The cost is nominal, the impact
tremendous. At just $165 an hour, you will get
unsurpassed, timely and tailored PR consulting.
Frankly Speaking Live is your personal PR consultant -
available anytime and anywhere. For help right now
with any internal or external public relations need,
including crisis communications, check out Frankly
Speaking Live to arrange for a one-hour (or longer)
telephone consultation.
This service is available seven days a week, from 6
am to 10 pm PST, because some of the most severe
crisis can hit an organization during the pivotal
evening and/or weekend hours. Why wait until
tomorrow or Monday morning to strategize a
solution to a PR crisis?
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About Frank Public Relations Worldwide
Frank Public Relations Worldwide is an innovative,
results-oriented marketing communications company
focused on the dynamic alignment of business
development, strategic marketing and public and
employee relations. Frank Public Relations Worldwide
is backed by three decades of creating winning PR
campaigns for a global client base. Founded in 1999 by award winning public relations
expert Peggy C. Frank, MBA, Frank Public Relations
Worldwide is renowned for communication and
engagement skills as well as a proven ability to train
and mentor at all levels of an organization to both
deliver consistent messaging and to enhance
performance and profitability.
For more information, please mail pfrank@frankpr.co
Please visit our web site at www.frankpr.com
, or call 1.818.735.3591.
"To establish ourselves in the world, we have to
all we can to appear established. To succeed in the
world, we do everything we can to appear
successful" - Francois la Rochefoucauld
Published entertainingly by Frank Public Relations Worldwide
Frankly Speaking™ newsletter and Frankly
Tip Sheets are produced by Frank Public Relations
Worldwide, www.frankpr.com
. Frankly Speaking provides innovative
communications solutions for business executives and
communications professionals eager to enhance
business performance, reputation, and revenue.
Frankly Speaking is backed by three decades of
providing strategic, results oriented hands-on internal
communications and external public relations to some
of America's most well known companies, published
by Frank Public Relations Worldwide founder, Peggy
C. Frank, MBA.
Frankly Speaking seeks to create PR savvy business
leaders, armed with actionable tips so that everyone
can become their organization's promotional guru.
Frankly Speaking especially seeks to assist start-up
companies and companies with limited funds
jumpstart their promotional activities to gain leverage
with their target markets in their specific
marketplace. Frankly Speaking recognizes the need
for easy, fast, and cost effective consulting
assistance and provides free e-newsletters, tip
sheets, and paid live consulting services at a
competitive price.
Frank Public Relations Worldwide is guided by the
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Frank Public Relations Worldwide 2005
Frank Public Relations Worldwide
offers the Frankly Speaking program to
organizations around the globe. Learn what countless
other organizations have
learned to increase their organization's visibility,
credibility, and esteem through
time-tested, proven Public Relations strategies,
and tactics. Why wait? Start today.