2005 |
Frankly Speaking PR Tips
Your Passport
to Innovative Communications Solutions
Monthly by Frank Public Relations Worldwide for Business Executives and Communications Professionals Eager to Enhance Business Performance and Reputation
Public Relations: "The management function that identifies, establishes, and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the various publics on whom
its success or failure depends." Cutlip, Center, and Broom
April/May 2005
Rubber Cement, the 5 Ws and Press Releases
Rubber Cement, the 5 Ws and Press Releases
The 5 Ws (actually 6 with How thrown in!)
Decades ago when I was in Journalism school, I had a very unique final exam for my editing and graphics course. We sat around a table in a poorly ventilated room, with the door
closed, and were each given a bottle of rubber cement, scissors, and blank paper. Let the games begin.
The assignment was to take Associated Press wire copy as it rolled in delivering news on a breaking story, for a total of four hours! First, we learned from the wire copy the basic
information, known as the 5Ws - Who, What, Where, When, and Why (by the way, sometimes How - but without a W starting out the word, it is often forgotten as part of the
mix). Our assignment was to continually update the facts as they rolled in. Through the use of scissors and rubber cement, we get cutting and pasting together the story as it unfolded
- known as "Breaking News."A messy task (this was in the olden days, before glue sticks!). Some of the facts remained the same, and some continued to change as the story unfolded,
and we were handed page after page of wire service copy as it came off of the wire.
Think for a minute about the last time you were watching TV and your program was interrupted for a special report. You received the basics of what was known at the time - and by
the time the regularly scheduled news broadcast aired, you had more information, more clarity. Often by the morning, the story grew "legs" and shaped up more clearly.
With this in mind, when you see an article in the newspaper, or hear in on an electronic broadcast, the very first paragraph, or soundbite, contains the bottom line basics:
Who is involved, What has happened, Where it happened, When it happened, How - if it is known, it happened, and Why it happened. This is the beginning of what is called the
inverted pyramid - designed to give you the bottom line quickly, succinctly. The following paragraphs and/or verbal information "supports" the opening piece of information.
Often only a quick sound bite, or a few paragraphs are heard or absorbed by the encoder (YOU, receiving the message). Because of this it is paramount that you understand the inverted
pyramid premise.
Suppose you are unfortunate enough to witness a car accident. You see it happen, you call 911; you get out of the car to help. Another car arrives whose driver is a physician.
She gives the victim mouth-to-mouth and revives the victim. The victim then gets up, does a dance and starts singing "It's Great to Be Alive!" Moments later, while the victim is
still singing, your best friend arrives. What is your perception of the facts leading up to this moment; where are your friends?
You are most likely to tell her the whole story, "I was driving, I saw this accident, etc." That is story telling. In journalistic terms, this would not be the way to describe
the events.
You might write or tell your friend, "A female car accident victim on State Road 84 Saturday morning celebrated her great fortune at walking away from a devastating accident by
doing a dance and singing "It's great to be Alive," just minutes after a physician passerby from Blank Medical Center revived her."
This is the beginning of your inverted pyramid. As you drill down the journalistic story telling path - by the last graph, you might describe the road conditions, statistics on
the occurrences of accidents on this road, or the occurrences of similar accidents involving the make of her automobile, tires, etc.
Back to my story - by the time the assignment was over, we were all pretty giddy from being locked up in a room for four hours, cutting and pasting, and pasting and cutting!
I am really glad glue sticks have now replaced that rubber cement!
Press Releases
A while back, I took on a new client. They do Cord Blood storage. Before I could prepare a proposal for them, or write a press release, I needed to understand some basic premises:
So what, who cares, what is unique about them, and what's in it for potential stakeholders?- all-basic marketing questions that apply equally to the public relations effort.
I suggest that you write these down, underline them, or keep them in a safe place. These questions are very useful in a variety of business situations.
First step: Research (primary and secondary)
First I called the client and spoke to the person that answers the phone. I wanted to know how a prospective patient would be treated, what is the sales pitch, do I feel emotionally
connected as a prospective patient, etc. I spoke to the medical director and to the VP of Business - again seeking out these types of answers. The bottom line: I needed information
about common perceptions, misperceptions, attitudes, beliefs about both the company, and the service in order to persuade my targeted stakeholders, through press releases and other
public relations tools.
Secondary I went to the Web to check for web sites and articles on cord blood wanted to know everything on the Web about the potential new client. I wanted to know
everything about their competition. I wanted to know everything pertaining to cord blood and its benefits. I signed up for online newsletters pertinent to this subject and other
permission-based marketing tools. I looked for news of the day as tie-ins, for example, President Bush just set aside a large amount of money for non- embryonic stem cell research
(stem cells are found in the cord blood and are 100 percent effective for the donor where bone marrow has traditionally been used). And, I looked for new articles in the electronic
and print media - two weeks earlier the WSJ had a huge story on this.
Cultivating a campaign through press releases and other tools
Taking into consideration everything I learned about the client, the competition, and the state of perceptions in the global community about cord blood storage, I was faced with
crafting a persuasive and engaging press release that was actually newsworthy.
Like PT Barnum, I created an "event."
Mother's Day was a few short weeks away. My client created a gift certificate for Mother's To Be - and press release focused on the newsworthiness of Mother's Day, gift giving
suggestions, and the need and importance for expectant parents to know about this option of storing their baby's cord blood. The results in just the first week of the campaign
were: a feature article in the SD tribute, iparenting.com, and an expert column in www.drdonnica.com, and as a side bonus, they enhanced their sales number that month due to the
gift certificates (designed as a PR hook, but embraced by consumers as a gift idea). Not bad!
Whether you are communicating through the written word or electronically, the basics of communications are always the same - at one end is the source or sender and at the other
end is the receiver --- in between there are a host of elements that can disturb the accurate processing or decoding of the message. Because of this - be very, very clear that
you are indeed sending the message you want to your audiences, that it cannot be misconstrued in any way, that you are providing them with a beneficial piece of communication so
that they will not turn a deft ear the next time you attempt to communicate with them - and be sure that every time you communicate with them that you have a coordinated, strategically
crafted message - the same message each time, so that you develop a brand, a signature for your client.
Frankly Speaking Tip Sheets
For more tips, you may want to order "Turn Around Your Organization's Image for Almost Free in 24- Hours." $9 Go to
www.frankpr.com for ordering details.
Frankly Speaking Live
Do you want some PR help right now, without a long- term contract and commitment? Would you like to brainstorm a PR idea, or press release? Have you been hit with a crisis, yet
have no plan of action and don't know what to do next?
Please check out Frankly Speaking Live, a unique service offered
exclusively by Frank PR Worldwide. Frankly Speaking Live is a one-of-a-kind telephone consulting service from Frank Public Relations Worldwide. The cost is nominal, the impact
tremendous. At just $225 an hour, you will get unsurpassed, timely and tailored PR consulting.
Frankly Speaking Live is your personal PR consultant - available anytime and anywhere. For help right now with any internal or external public relations need, including crisis
communications, check out Frankly Speaking Live to arrange for a one-hour (or longer) telephone consultation.
This service is available seven days a week, from 6 am to 10 pm PST, because some of the most severe crisis can hit an organization during the pivotal evening and/or weekend hours.
Why wait until tomorrow or Monday morning to strategize a workable solution to a PR crisis?
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About Frank Public Relations Worldwide
Frank Public Relations Worldwide is an innovative, results-oriented marketing communications company focused on the dynamic alignment of business development, strategic marketing
and public and employee relations. Frank Public Relations Worldwide is backed by three decades of creating winning PR campaigns for a global client base. Founded in 1999
by award winning public relations expert Peggy C. Frank, MBA, Frank Public Relations Worldwide is renowned for communication and engagement skills as well as a proven ability to
train and mentor at all levels of an organization to both deliver consistent messaging and to enhance performance and profitability.
For more information, please email pfrank@frankpr.com
Please visit our web site at www.frankpr.com , or call 1.818.735.3591.
"To establish ourselves in the world, we have to do all we can to appear established. To succeed in the world, we do everything we can to appear successful" - Francois la
Published Netiquettely by Frank Public Relations Worldwide
Frankly Speaking™ newsletter and Frankly Speaking™ Tip Sheets are produced by Frank Public Relations Worldwide, www.frankpr.com
. Frankly Speaking provides innovative communications solutions for business executives and communications professionals eager to enhance business performance, reputation, and revenue.
Frankly Speaking is backed by three decades of providing strategic, results oriented hands-on internal communications and external public relations to some of America's most well
known companies, published by Frank Public Relations Worldwide founder, Peggy C. Frank, MBA.
Frankly Speaking seeks to create PR savvy business leaders, armed with actionable tips so that everyone can become their organization's promotional guru. Frankly Speaking especially
seeks to assist start-up companies and companies with limited funds jumpstart their promotional activities to gain leverage with their target markets in their specific marketplace.
Frankly Speaking recognizes the need for easy, fast, and cost effective consulting assistance and provides free e-newsletters, tip sheets, and paid live consulting services at a
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Public Relations Worldwide 2005
phone: 818.735.3591
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